
Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Live Music at Slouch, Bath St Glasgow

It was a Sunday afternoon and just finished work in Northumberland, England So I jumped in my Gti and drove up the A1 towards Edinburgh, onto the M8 then towards Glasgow to Bath Street in Glasgow to SLOUCH. Rebel 69 a band who I have photographed in the past were playing along with two other bands Herculean and The Black Lights.  I had made contact with staff at Slouch earlier in the week and reserved a table near to the stage. The plan was to have a meal and take a few photographs and maybe a wee video.  The Sun was shining It was a fantastic day  it was hot! I truly thought summer was here!!

SLOUCH Bar, Glasgow
Arrived just after 6pm and the staff at Slouch were very helpful from the start. They were very attentive and friendly I felt so welcome and on arrival I was shown through to the lounge area which is also used for the live events.

I then ordered my meal  Soup of the day  was my first choice. I have to say it was warm and very spicy HOT! HOT HOT!!.   My main meal was a dream tasted so good. I could have eating twice, I felt like licking the plate!. Breast of Chicken on a base of Haggis not sure but I think it was turnip and tatties mixed  it was just delicious . 2 course meal for £10.95 . A bargain I say!!! Highly recommended and such a lovely setting ! Lager was cold and perfect and went down a treat!! Thank you SLOUCH!!!!  10/10  if I were to rate it!!.

The Venue area was very well presented and had plenty of space for people to enjoy a meal, drink and enjoy entertainment. It felt as if you were in your own living room it was perfect .    The stage area was surrounded by a very large window this was letting in some nice light, but have to say it was playing havoc with the metering on my camera. I had to rack up the ISO on occasion to 1600 and hoped I could still use a high shutter speed to keep things sharp, but also to help capture the mood. The window was providing me with some nice natural light which helped balance out a very low light inside the room. I used the my speed-light flash Nikon SB-900 to make sure I got the right exposure on the other side of the window which where the musicians would be standing on the would have been helpful if  there were some colour lights on the ceiling towards the window and stage area  maybe a nice colour of blue, red spots would be make such a difference. There was a couple of spots on the ceiling which were just natural white and also noticed as Standing lamp with a horrible shade on the stage to the left near the exit. If am truly honest was not fitting in with the whole set up and just looked daft.  A Film Studio light with barn doors instead would have been so much better to mold with the surroundings .  In view was  fire extinguishers in the back all but suppose that cant be helped I think I am being too fussy!!!  .

Anyway Music and first up were a 3 piece band called 'HERCULEAN'  are an Alternative / Rock / Pop band from Glasgow.Stuart McInnes - Vocals/Guitar Steven Gerry - Bass ,Declan O'Kane - Drums.

 I thought I was being transported back in time and could hear a sound taking me back to the 80's . I could see who they are influenced by and also seen a hint of Kasabian in there music  fantastic song Broken which would certainly get a top 10 slot in any chart and I am sure they will be signed up very soon. Just loved the Drummer's expressions when he was playing. !! 

I later chatted with  with Stephen and hopefully we will hook up to do a photo shoot and a video real soon. 
They are certainly a band to look out for  the future.


The Next band up was Rebel 69 featuring a new lead singer . I photographed them in Ivory Blacks in March this year . At that time their lead singer was blonde I thought they had a Blondie feel to their set-up.  The sound still has that feel but their new Singer adds a bit more of a Rock 
feel and I would say is a lot stronger!.
Band are ;- Lynn lead singer, Steevee ,Rhythm guitar, Nick lead guitar and Ross bass, Kevin on Drums 

Rebel 69,their music is melodic and has a blues feel to it!.  bagpipes in their too but this was achieved by Nick on his lead guitar.  Lynn  looked every part of a Rock n Roll lady. I while I listened to her sing could hear influences from Blondie  . I have to say "Kiss Me " cracking tune and has to be my favourite and cracking set.
They are a must see act and looking to hearing new material from them soon.

The final act of the night was The Black Lights. who I must say were very active with a hard rock sound and the crowd really enjoyed.

Absolutely loved this band fast , energetic and fun  music sounded sweet
in thier own words in their bio on Facebook 
The Black Lights are a collective of five (more or less) grown men who hail from the hills and dales of Central Scotland, formed in early 2006.

If you happen to be tired and sick of the re-processed hippity hop beats, affected accents that plague sanitised 'indie' like a drunken mistake and the whiny bubblegum melodrama of fringe-weilding teenagers then we are a band you can trust to offer a guilt-free and refreshingly honest alternative.

Steel-lunged vocals spitting out melodies that cling to your conscience with VD-like enthusiasm, enough riffz 'n' drumz to blow a hole deep enough for sans-bullshit lyrics to be fully absorbed and live shows that remind you just why sweaty lager soaked venues are infinitely preferable to listening at home with the volume at 4....that's us.

Rock Awesome.
 The hail from Central Scotland and current band members are 

James McCulloch - Throat
Steven Nicol - Guitar, Auxillary Throat
Tony Riccio - Bass
Stuart Penketh - Drums
Cameron Arndt - Guitar

What can i say about this band ROCK n Roll !! 

end to a feast of Food, Booze and Music!!! Perfect


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