
Tuesday, 3 May 2011

On The Run - The Underdog Theory (Live at Ivory Blacks,Glasgow 29-04-11)

MRBone Photography: Action against Pre-eclampsia Charity CD

MRBone Photography: Action against Pre-eclampsia Charity CD

Action against Pre-eclampsia Charity CD

Thomas Lieser the founder and creator of Digital Bluebells Band Promotions, bassist with Gypsy MOJO contacted me earlier this year and asked me come along to a gig at the Ivory Blacks, Glasgow. On the 5th of March 2011.
 I have to say was an amazing night and also playing was Watershed who I  also built up a friendship and took  few pictures and Video of the Night.   Also playing was a Band Called ' Rebel 69'

Lead singer Marty McGregor giving the Thumbs up to the crowds .

Thomas had put together a Charity CD for Yorkhill Hospital Glasgow which he Called 'Glasgow Unsigned Volume 1' which pulled together talent around Scotland on one CD which i have to say is truly amazing, I had noticed by chance that one of my photographs was on the Artwork which Thomas had created himself which in itself is a genius piece of work.

Artists on the album provided a track for free and also Artwork. Bands and Artists included ; GypsyMOJO, WATERSHED,                    THE GIROBABIES,   ANNIE STEVENSON,                   COLOUR-CELLS,   WE'RE WITH MCREEDY,  EIGHTBALL,  WE ARE JAWBONE,   PLAIN-ALLIS,  BARELLA LIGHTS, THE BUCKY RAGE,  THE KOSHER PICKLES,   ALIEN PIG, DEAR STARS,  KONTROBAND.   

 The album can still be downloaded and also purchased at for £3.00 on the digital download or a hard copy of the CD for £7.00 includeds P&P which is a brilliant album as Thomas provided me with and I have it playing constantly on my car stereo. All the funds will go directly to the Charity  Yorkhill Children's Foundation (Registered Charity Number SC007856).  You can also watch a video with snippits of music from the Album on You tube below. 

On the Night of the Ivory Blacks gig he told me his plans to do another charity CD and would I be interested in helping out with photographs and Artwork. I was honoured that he had asked me to be part of such a worthwhile cause. The Glasgow Unsigned CD Volume 2 would be for a charity close to Thomas's heart which is a condition which effects many women Pre-Eclampsia. 

Glasgow Unsigned Vol.2 is now actively seeking bands from the west of Scotland to put together a compilation Album to raise awareness and funds for Action on Pre-Eclampsia. Registered Charity No: 1013357

Hypertension or high blood pressure is the most common medical problem that is encountered in pregnancy. In general gestational hypertension complicates 10-15% of all pregnancies. Mild pre-eclampsia affects up to 10% of first time pregnancies with severe pre-eclampsia affecting about 1 or 2 in a hundred pregnancies.
Pre-eclampsia is the most common of the serious complications of pregnancy. It is caused by a defect in the placenta, which joins the mother and baby and supplies the baby with nutrients and oxygen from the mother's blood. While we do not know yet exactly what is the root cause of pre-eclampsia, medical science is expanding our knowledge every day. By definition, pre-eclampsia cannot occur before you are 20 weeks pregnant and the majority of cases occur in the third trimester.
In its early stages pre-eclampsia is symptom-less and is only detectable by regular antenatal checks on the mother's blood pressure and urine. Pre-eclampsia is known as a multi-system disorder which means it can affect different parts of your body such as your liver, your kidneys, your cardiovascular system or your clotting systems.

As we gather the Bands look out for details of this fantastic Album and for a worthwhile cause I will create another Post when its all finalised.

Monday, 2 May 2011

The Underdog Theory on Tour Scottish Rock Collective

Scottish Rock Collective  - Ivory Blacks Glasgow - (29/04/2011)

I haven't' seen the The Underdog Theory since the gig at Fury's Ayr on New Years Eve 2010 . So I thought It was about time I got in touch with them again as they have now told me I am their official Photographer I felt obliged to try and get along to one of their gigs to Photograph and video them once again.

I have also noted that they have been photographed by some talented Photographers by 
 Rob Nugent and Shona Cutt who have provided some outstanding Photographs and Artwork.

The lads are touring with other bands so it was good opportunity to meet with other bands on the tour Sound of Silence, MAIR, Millsyeck, Hiromisha Blackout. 
I met with Shinty aka Paul Thomson who introduced himself to me and is part of the band Sound over Silence . I had noticed some of Shona Cutt's Photographs his band and are certainly would be challenge to get photograph the band to have them in focus as they are so active on stage.

Paul  told me about his little orange Amp and how it rocks the roof of at venues. It was really nice to meet him and hopefully we will meet again and maybe get some photographs and video arranged  in the near future, who knows even a Promo Shoot.

I couldn't wait long at the venue so I managed to shoot some video of the set-up and the  band MAIR who were outstanding. 

check out just some of the Photographs and Video I took on the Night .

Su Casa Ayr Night

WHile on Holiday last week i had many photo shoots arranged and now and then I like to catch up with old mates who I haven't seen for a while. I try to keep in touch with Musicians who I have photographed in the past and i knew I hadn't seen Martin McLaughlin for a while.

I also had printed some pictures for Jamie McGeechan and Colin Hunter from previous gigs at Su Casa and  I visited Jamie ay his home in Ayr during the day on the 28th of April 2011. I wanted to pass on the photographs and a phone charger for a Mobile phone i gave him. (Hopefully Jamie will provide me with a Signed copy of his First Album soon, and Also Colin will too as I hope to arrange a photo shoot with them both real soon)

So while I visited Jamie he told me he was hosting the set at Su Casa in Ayr again and I mentioned I would give big Martin a shout to come along and i would also get some new photographs and see Alberth Mg (ELGATO ) doing his stuff! plus its a fantastic night!!!.

Also playing that night was Scott Nicol who I last photographed live at the HAC in Irvine and was blown away by his performance, he has a cracking voice and love his music.

So hopefully I will be invited again by the guys down at Su Casa

Here is a couple of Pictures from the Night but if you click here you will see more on my Facebook page

Model Photoshoot

LISA DOOLAN - First time model shoot in Ayr  Pure Storm Website

MRBone Photography: Taylor Buntain Second Photo Shoot

MRBone Photography: Taylor Buntain Second Photo Shoot

Taylor Buntain Second Photo Shoot


Taylor Buntain had asked me sometime to take some pictures with him again, which I was happy to do he has a vast collection of musical instruments and Swords so we added this into the shoot!

You can find details about Taylor below
Up & coming Ayrshire solo artist. Something a bit different :)
Ayrshire has a new musical act to look out for in the form of the always less-than-conventional Taylor Buntain.

The Kilmarnock-based singer-songwriter is on a mission - to communicate the complex sounds in his head to the world using nothing more than his voice, a few stringed instruments and some quirky homemade electric contraptions (e.g. "The Original Penguin" - a rudimentary electric kick drum made from an old sub woofer and a watch box).
After playing lead guitar in a handful of extreme... (read more)
Current Location
Artists we also like
Newton Faulkner, Dougie MacLean, John Martyn, anyone who gives it heart!
Music, people & everyday life
Band interests
Getting my music out there & playing some great gigs. Nothing beats it :)

The shoot went well and Taylor had some good ideas, he stated when goes to Gig and at his local "FANNIES" in Kilmarnock he always gets wired up with cables. hens the Photograph


